Wednesday, July 8, 2009

iLive...why Not?

Life is definitely what we make it. We only live once, and it may be short but its the longest situation we have ever been in. How should we live? how important is forgiveness and to what limits does it reach? There are NO easy answers. The shit is COMPLEX. Too many say life is like a game and you have to play it right....I'm not playing at all. Waking up isn't good enough, I live how THE FUCK I WANT. No one else's rules or regulations. There's God, there's life, and there's death. One of the greatest things about life is change. The road to change is never an easy one. you never know you're growing when you are. The experiences we encounter are only to teach us, so in a sense we learn something new with each and every day. YOU CAN'T KEEP DOING SOMETHING THE SAME EXACT WAY AND EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULT, ITS IMPOSSIBLE! and "INSANE". When it all comes down to it life is the best/worst thing man has ever been blessed with.However, you should never be CONQUERED by anything. Don't let anyone bully you into thinking differently. Do whatever the fuck your heart desires. Fuck what the haters think! Life is supposed to be beautiful even though we go through ugly shit! But then there's nothing like finding beauty in a disaster♥