Thursday, June 25, 2009

In Memory of an Icon: Michael Jackson

It's almost unreal, but it hurts so bad. Despite the controversy Michael was constantly tied up in, he was and always will be one of thee most iconic legends that the entire World has ever seen. Without Michael would not be the occurrences of Usher Raymond, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Ne-yo, etc. Michael inspired many people to be great and entertained the whole world while he was here. Although I was excited about his well anticipated come back tour, he could never leave my memories with hits like "Thriller", "Heaven Can Wait", and "Whose Loving You?". I would never forget how me and my young brothers would create our own rendition of these hits and performed for my mom. Hi-Lar-I-Ous!!!! Anyhow, the legacy of Michael Jackson will forever live on!!! It will never die away. The biggest pop star to ever roam the Earth and there will never be another Michael! Well, I guess heaven couldn't wait...but you will truly be missed Michael!